About Keratoconus Center

Ambulatory ophthalmology center established by Academician Sergey Artsybashev for his highly specialized surgical solution for keratoconus stage I – IV.


The Keratoconus Center was formed on the basis of Artsybashev Ophthalmology Clinic, which was established in Budapest in 1994 and has twenty five years of experience treating keratoconus patients from around the world.

Solving the Problem of Keratoconus

Artsybashev’s keratoconus method of diamond surgery is intended simultaneously to stop the development of keratoconus and significantly improve vision (uncorrected visual acuity).

This one-step therapeutic solution for the problem of keratoconus stage I – IV is aimed at stopping the development of the cone on the cornea, while also providing a stable improvement of vision due to surgically controlled regression of keratoconus. Additional and subsequent interventions are
generally not required for stabilization of results and prevention of corneal transplant or keratoplasty (PK, DALK).

Treatment of Keratoconus in the Center

1. Examination and Consultation (requires 30 to 60 minutes).
Following a complete ophthalmologic examination Dr. Artsybashev will inform the patient of his findings and discuss possible surgical intervention and prognosis of its results.

2. Ambulatory diamond surgery by Artsybashev’s keratoconus method (requires 2 to 3 minutes per eye).

If both eyes are treated the second eye is operated on the following day.

• Day 1: surgery is completed on first eye and the eye is bandaged for protection;
• Day 2: bandage is removed for check-up before the second eye is operated;
• Day 3: remove the bandage from the second operated eye, check-up and statement.

Our patients receive electronic results of corneal topography before and after surgery.

3. Follow-up examinations and observation of the patient during the rehabilitation period.

Dr. Artsybashev conducts follow-up examinations after surgery at intervals of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years if possible.


Dr. Artsybashev operates

Results of Keratoconus Surgery Provided by Dr. Artsybashev

Progressive keratoconus stage II, O.D., after corneal crosslinking (CXL).

Topogram after diamond surgery, 2 year resultTopogram before diamond surgery

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus after crosslinking (CXL)

Visus before diamond surgery: OD = 0.3-0.4, – 1.5 Cyl ax 58 = 0.7- 0.8 

Visus without correction after diamond surgery, 2 year result: OD = 1.0


Progressive keratoconus stage III, O.S., after corneal crosslinking (CXL).

Topogram after diamond surgery, 2 year resultTopogram before diamond surgery

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus after CXL

Visus before diamond surgery: OS = 0.2, – 0.5 Sph – 3.5 Cyl ax 130 = 0.4- 0.5

Visus without correction after diamond surgery, 2 year result: OS = 0.8-0.9

Progressive keratoconus stage III, O.D., after implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments.

Topogram after diamond surgery, 8 month resultTopogram before diamond surgery

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus after implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments

Visus before diamond surgery: OD = 0.1, – 4.0 Sph -1.5 Cyl ax 155 = 0.2- 0.3

Visus without correction after diamond surgery, 8 month result: OD = 0.9-1.0

Recurrence of keratoconus after corneal transplant.

Topogram before diamond surgeryTopogram after diamond surgery, 1 year result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus after corneal transplant

Visus before diamond surgery: <10 cm

Visus without correction after diamond surgery, 1 year result: 0,3 (20/60)

Topograms after diamond surgery, 15 year result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II

Topogram before diamond surgeryTopogram after diamond surgery, 6 week result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II





Visus before diamond surgery




Visus after diamond surgery





Control examination, 4 month result:

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II






Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 4 month result:



Topogram before diamond surgeryTopogram after diamond surgery, 1 year result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II

Visus w/o correction





before diamond surgery:




after diamond surgery, 1 year result:





Topograms after diamond surgery, 2 year result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II

Topogram before diamond surgeryTopogram after diamond surgery, 1 day result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II – III

Visus w/o correction before diamond surgery: 0,05 (20/400)

Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 1 day result: 0,6 (20/35) 

Topogram before diamond surgeryTopogram after diamond surgery, 6 month result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II – III

Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 6 month result: 0.9

Topogram after diamond surgery, 2,5 year result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II – III

Topogram after diamond surgery, 21 month resultTopogram before diamond surgery

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage II – III

Topogram after diamond surgery, 3,5 year resultTopogram before diamond surgery

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage III

Visus before diamond surgery: OS = 0.3, – 5.0 Sph – 2.5 Cyl ax 180 = 0.6

Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 3,5 year result: OS = 0.9-1.0

Topograms before diamond surgeryTopograms after diamond surgery, 3 month result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage III - IV

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage III - IV

Topograms after diamond surgery, 6 month result

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage III - IV





Visus before diamond surgery:




Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 1 month result




Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 3 month result




Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 6 month result





Control examination, 1 year result:

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage III-IV

Topogram after diamond surgery, 2 year resultTopogram before diamond surgery

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage IV

Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 2 year result: OD = 0.5- 0.6

Topogram after diamond surgery, 2 year resultTopogram before diamond surgery

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus stage IV

Visus before diamond surgery: OS = 0.05-0.1, – 6.25 Sph – 5.75 Cyl ax 155 = 0.2- 0.3

Visus w/o correction after diamond surgery, 2 year result: OS = 0.6-0.7

Pre-Operative Examination UCVA without correction (Day 1):

Visual Acuity:     

OD = 0.2 – 0.3

OS: 0.16-0.2



OD:  v = 60.0

OS:  v = ↑ 80.0



h = 53.0

h = ↑ 75.0



Post-Operative Examination UCVA without correction (Day 3):

Visual Acuity:

OD:  0.5-0.6

OS: 0.3-0.4



OD:   v = 44.0

OS:  v = 60.0



h = 46.0

h = 55.0



6 Month Results

Right Eye (OD)

Pre-op: October 29, 2009

UCVA:  0.2-0.3

6 Month Post-op:  June 14, 2010

UCVA: 0.9

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus late stage IV with central leucomaResults of diamond surgery for keratoconus late stage IV with central leucoma

Left Eye (OS)

Pre-op: October 29, 2009

UCVA:  0.16-0.2

6 Month Post-op:  June 14, 2010

UCVA: 0.5

KeratoconusKeratoconus 6 Month Results



1 Year Control Visit:

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus late stage IV with central leucoma


1 Year 8 Month Results:

Results of diamond surgery for keratoconus late stage IV with central leucoma

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Keratoconus is a progressive, non-inflammatory (degenerative) disease of the cornea (the Greek. Kerato-), where due to thinning and weakening it eventually becomes cone-shaped and more convex. As a result of this process, vision deteriorates. Keratoconus is highly variable in its speed and rate of progression in case of each eye. Keratoconus is the most common indication for corneal transplantation (keratoplasty) among all eye diseases.
Keratoconus may be primary or secondary by origin.

It is impossible to identify the specific reasons for the occurrence of primary keratoconus; heredity, immune, endocrine factors, stress, and environmental influences may play a role. The process is chronic and usually affects both eyes.

Causes of secondary keratoconus may be: corneal thinning as result of medical interventions, infections (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites), inflammation, trauma, or eye rubbing. The process is most often acute and one-sided.

Yes, there is a one-step therapeutic solution to the problem of keratoconus.

Ideally, surgical treatment of keratoconus includes:

  1. Individual remodeling of the cornea with stabilization of improved shape (controlled regression of disease)
    which leads to
  2. Simultaneous improvement of vision, without any additional and subsequent interventions.

Both conditions are met by the special Artsybashev’s keratoconus method used in his Center.

Currently Dr. Artsybashev is the only eye surgeon who possesses the skills and more than 30 years of experience in the application of this method. He has performed over 1,000 such operations for keratoconus stages from I to IV.

Dr. Artsybashev developed the keratoconus method of diamond surgery on the basis of his experience with radial keratotomy and introduced it for the treatment of patients with keratoconus. In order to master this surgical technique and apply it to the treatment of keratoconus, he performed tens of thousands of refractive surgery aimed at correcting the optical functions of the cornea for patients with myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism, including the ultra-thin corneas.

The goal of his one-step intervention is simultaneously to stop the disease process of keratoconus, improve vision (uncorrected visual acuity), and prevent corneal transplant.

Individually designed microincisions on the cornea cause a controlled redistribution of intraocular pressure from the diseased part of cornea to healthy or less involved parts. As a result of reduced stress, the diseased part of the cornea becomes capable of partial or complete recovery of its shape and functions. The shape of the cornea changes for the desired extent and in the right place. Thin scars that are out of the optical zone are formed by these microincisions. They perform skeletal
function, i.e. they contribute to the strengthening of the cornea and stopping the process of its protrusion and thinning.

Dr. Artsybashev makes microincisions, calculated for each eye, using a special micrometric diamond knife and a microscope on the peripheral (non-optical) zone of the convex and thinning cornea. Special calculation programs are required for each operated eye, taking into account the individual characteristics of the cornea with keratoconus with emphasis on the irregular corneal thickness over its entire area. The operation lasts from 2 to 3 minutes per eye and uses only local anesthetic eye drops. Doctor Artsybashev’s surgical technique uses both hands equally, which is necessary for this kind of surgical intervention, as cuts by the diamond knife are performed by one hand on one half of the cornea. Followed by the other hand on the other half. He operates with individual tools that are made in Switzerland under special order. The ultra thin diamond knife has over 3 sides of sharpening
with the micrometric submission, they are visible only under an electronic microscope. An incision on the cornea is atraumatic, ultra thin, and can be seen only under high magnification. Healing after such an intervention is very fast because of the delicate and short-term mechanical effect on the corneal tissue.

Keratoconus method of diamond surgery is a modification of the classical method of radial keratotomy, developed by Academician Svyatoslav Fyodorov and successfully applied in the world for over 30 years including the present.

Keratoconus technique of diamond surgery differs from the classical radial keratotomy by providing a shorter duration of surgery, a gentle technique, and a lesser degree of trauma.

Dr. Artsybashev operates patients with keratoconus stages from I to IV.

He has performed more than 1,000 operations at stages I – IV of keratoconus, including after corneal crosslinking (СXL), implantation of intrastromal rings (ICRS), laser procedures, corneal transplantation and keratoplasty.

Patients usually notice improvement in vision the following day after surgery. The rehabilitation period, in which the improvement proceeds to its maximum possible level, may last from 6 months to 2 years and depends on the severity of the disease. Regression of keratoconus with improved vision after surgery faster occurs at the initial stages of the disease (I – II). There is technique of postoperative management of patients, which contributes to a better scarring of microincisions, maximum vision improvement, and stabilization of the cornea during the period of rehabilitation. It
is important to stay compliant with Dr. Artsybashev’s recommendations following surgery.

Keratoconus method of diamond surgery has long-term results for over 20 years.


Eye examination at Keratoconus Center (Budapest, Hungary): 100 EUR

Ambulatory operation at Keratoconus Center (Budapest, Hungary): Keratoconus stage I – IV – 5.000 – 10.000 EUR one eye

In addition to cash, we also accept MasterCard, Maestro, VISA, VISA Electron, Vpay, American
Express, JCB, Union Pay, OTP.


Artsybashev Keratoconus Center

Address: 19 Számadó utca, Budapest, 1118, HUNGARY, Gellert Hill (Gellérthegy)


Phone: +36-1-209-05-26





How to get there

By bus # 27 from the terminus Móricz Zsigmond körtér to Búsuló Juhász (Citadella) stop